Crawling out of the turing tarpit

Today we’re going to

  • Design an instruction set
  • Build a virtual machine

Rolf W. Rasmussen

Chief Software Architect, Vizrt

Hints for following along

Instruction Set Architectures (ISA)

Minimal Instruction Set Computer (MISC)

  • OISC — One
  • MISC — Minimal
  • RISC — Reduced
  • CISC — Complex

Milestone #1

Create a minimal runnable program

true — do nothing, successfully

Executable Images

Header vs headerless formats

For now, let’s choose headerless for simplicity.

Executable formats with headers

Format Main use
COFF Old Unix and old Windows
ELF Unix and Linux
PE Windows
Mach-O NeXTSTEP, macOS, iOS

Executable formats without headers

.COM executable hex dump

0E 1F BA 0E 01 B4 09 CD 21 B8 01 4C CD 21 48 65 ........!..L.!He
6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 0D 0D 0A 24       llo.World!...$


0E                   push cs
1F                   pop ds
BA 0E 01             mov dx, 0x10e
B4 09                mov ah, 9
CD 21                int 0x21
B8 01 4C             mov ax, 0x4c01
CD 21                int 0x21
48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21 0D 0D 0A 24
                       db 'Hello World!', 0dh, 0dh, 0ah, '$'

Charles Babbage

Difference Engine: Mechanical number crunching.

Analytical Engine: Unrealized mechanical computer with branches, loops and memory.

Ada Lovelace

Visionary that recognized that general-purpose computers could be used for more than number crunching.

Alan Turing

The nature of computation

Turing Machine: Theoretical model sufficient for general purpose computing.

Turing equivalence: Sufficiently complex systems can simulate each other.

John von Neumann

Stored-program computers: Change how a computer behaves without rewiring it by storing programs and data in integrated memory.

Alan Perlis

Epigrams in programming

54. Beware of the Turing tar-pit in which everything is possible but nothing of interest is easy.

Machine State

Von Neumann architecture state

State Type Purpose
Memory Byte array Store program and data
Program Counter (PC) Integer/Pointer Find next instruction

Pointer size address space

8-bit 1 256 bytes
16-bit 2 64 KiB
32-bit 4 4 GiB
64-bit 8 16 EiB


Stop instruction execution.

Opcode Mnemonic Description
00 HLT Halt

Implementation of "true"

1-true.rwa2 hex dump

        00                                                .


PC = 000                   hlt
PC = 1, halted


#! /bin/env python3
import sys

programfile = sys.argv[1]

with open(programfile, mode='rb') as file:
    mem = bytearray(

pc = 0
while True:
    inst = mem[pc]
    pc = pc + 1
    if inst == 0: # Halt (HLT)
    raise NotImplementedError("Unknown instruction " + str(inst))

C hints:
stdio.h, stdlib.h, fopen(n, "rb"), fseek(f,0,SEEK_END), ftell(f), rewind(f), malloc(c), fread(b, 1, c, f), fclose(f), exit(0)

Node.js hints:
fs.readFileSync(n), process.argv[2], process.exit(0)

C# hints:
System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(n), System.Environment.Exit(0)


Running example binary

$ vm rwa2/0-true.rwa2
$ _

Replace vm with the command to run your virtual machine implementation.


Stop (STP)

Manchester Baby

First stored progam computer




First commercial computer


Halt (HLT)

Intel 8008, 8080, 8086, x86, x86_64

First commercial non-calculator personal computers


Break (BRK)

MOS 6502, 6510

Popular in early micro computers

Milestone #2

Hello World!

Providing output from program

Data Access

Where can data be found?

  • Embedded in instructions
  • Stored internally in the Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  • Stored in Random Access Memory (RAM)
  • Sent or received through input/output ports (I/O)

Addressing modes

Immediate Use data value embedded in instruction.
Register Access data from internal CPU storage.
Address Access data in memory location specified by address.
Indirect First read address value, then access data in memory location specified by address.
Offset Add to value to address when accessing memory location specified by address.
Implicit Access data locations such as stack and I/O ports as implied by the instruction operation.

Output Byte (OUT)

Write byte to standard output.

Opcode Mnemonic Description
01 srcptr OUT Output Byte

Read byte from address specified by srcptr, then write that byte to output.

Print the letter H

00000000:  01 06 00 00 00        out [0x00000006]
00000005:  00                    hlt
00000006:  48                    db 'H'

Like most modern architectures, we choose little-endian representation. I.e. the byte sequence 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 is interpreted as the address 0x00000006.

import sys
class Machine:
    def __init__(self, memory, pc):
        self.mem = memory
        self.pc = pc

    def fetch_pointer(self):
        ptr = 0
        for i in range(4):
            ptr = ptr + (self.mem[self.pc] << (i * 8))
            self.pc = self.pc + 1
        return ptr

    def halt(self):
    def outputbyte(self):
        c = vm.mem[self.fetch_pointer()]

    def run(self):
        ops = { 0: self.halt, 1: self.outputbyte }
        while True:
            inst = self.mem[self.pc]
            self.pc = self.pc + 1

programfile = sys.argv[1]
with open(programfile, mode='rb') as file:
    memory = bytearray(
vm = Machine(memory, 0)

C hints: putchar(), fflush(stdout)

Node.js hints: Buffer(1), process.stdout.write(buf), this.output_byte.bind(this)

C# hints: System.Console.OpenStandardOutput(), s.WriteByte(b)


Running example binaries

$ vm rwa2/1-hello.rwa2
Hello World!
$ vm rwa2/1-test.rwa2
TAP version 13
ok 1 - Implements OUT.

$ _

Replace vm with the command to run your virtual machine implementation.

Test Anything Protocol

npm install -g tap

vm 1-test.rwa2 | tap -

Milestone #3

Real unit testing

Testing and conditional execution.

Branch If Plus (BPL)

Jump if a signed byte is zero or positive

Opcode Mnemonic Description
02 jmpptr srcptr BPL Branch If Plus

Read byte from address srcptr, if its high bit is zero set PC to jmpptr address.

Jump Unconditionally

JMP target — Synthesized

          jmp target
          ...code to skip...
target:   ...code to run...
          jmp target
          bpl target, zero
          ...code to skip...
target:   ...code to run...
zero:     db 0

Branch If Negative

BNE target, src — Synthesized

          bne target, value
target:   ...
value:    db -7
          bne target, value
          bpl continue, value
          jmp target
target:   ...
value:    db -7

Do nothing

NOP — Synthesized

          ...more code to run...
          bpl 0, negative
          ...more code to run...
negative: db -1

class Machine
    # ...
    def branchifplus(self):
        jmpptr = self.fetch_pointer()
        srcptr = self.fetch_pointer()
        if self.mem[srcptr] < 128:
            self.pc = jmpptr

    def run(self):
        ops = {
            0: self.halt,
            1: self.outputbyte,
            2: self.branchifplus

C-like hints:
if (x < 128)


Running example binary

$ vm rwa2/2-test.rwa2
TAP version 13
ok 1 - Implements OUT.
ok 2 - BPL 0 jumps
ok 3 - BPL 1 jumps
ok 4 - BPL 126 jumps
ok 5 - BPL 127 jumps
ok 6 - BPL 128 does not jump
ok 7 - BPL 129 does not jump
ok 8 - BPL 254 does not jump
ok 9 - BPL 255 does not jump
ok 10 - Synthesized Jump unconditionally

$ _

Replace vm with the command to run your virtual machine implementation.

Milestone #4

Fizz Buzz

Arithmetic and conditional loops.

Subtract (SUB)

Subtract a byte from another byte.

Opcode Mnemonic Description
03 dstptr srcptr SUB Subtract

Read byte value from dstptr, subtract byte value from srcptr, then write the result back to dstptr.

Set Zero

MOV dst, 0 — Synthesized

          mov variable, 0
variable: db 42  ; will become 0
          mov variable, 0
          sub variable, variable
variable: db 42  ; will become 0


NEG dst, src — Synthesized

          neg dst, src
src:      db 42
dst:      db 0  ; will become -42
          neg dst, src
          mov dst, 0
          sub dst, src
src:      db 42
dst:      db 0  ; will become -42


ADD dst, src — Synthesized

          add dst, src
src:      db 42
dst:      db 7  ; will become 49
          add dst, src
          neg tmp, src
          sub dst, src
src:      db 42
dst:      db 7  ; will become 49
tmp:      db 0  ; will become -42


MOV dst, src — Synthesized

          mov dst, src
src:      db 42
dst:      db 0  ; will become 42
          mov dst, src
          mov dst, 0
          add dst, src
src:      db 42
dst:      db 0  ; will become 42

class Machine
    # ...
    def subtract(self):
        dstptr = self.fetch_pointer()
        srcptr = self.fetch_pointer()
        result = (self.mem[dstptr] - self.mem[srcptr]) & 0xFF
        self.mem[dstptr] = result

    def run(self):
        ops = {
            0: self.halt,
            1: self.outputbyte,
            2: self.branchifplus,
            3: self.subtract
        # ...

C-like hints:


Running example binaries

$ vm rwa2/3-fizz.rwa2 | head
$ vm rwa2/3-test.rwa2_

Replace vm with the command to run your virtual machine implementation.

Milestone #5

Run a OS image and development environment

Interactive use and output that is not predetermined.

Shift Left

SHL dst — Synthesized

E.g. %00010101 (21) ➔ %00101010 (42)

          shl dst
dst:      db 21  ; will become 42
          shl dst
          add dst, dst
dst:      db 21  ; will become 42

Rotate Left

ROL dst — Synthesized

E.g. %10000010 (130) ➔ %00000101 (5)

          rol dst
dst:      db 130  ; will become 5
          rol dst
          bpl high0, dst
          shl dst
          add dst, one
          jmp continue
high0:    shl dst
continue: ...
dst:      db 130  ; will become 5
one:      db 1

Rotate Right

ROR dst — Synthesized

E.g. %10000010 (130) ➔ %01000001 (65)

          ror dst
dst:      db 130  ; will become 65
          ror dst
          rol dst
          rol dst
          rol dst
          rol dst
          rol dst
          rol dst
          rol dst
dst:      db 130  ; will become 65

Bitwise operations

AND, OR, XOR, etc

  1. Test high bits and handle all logic cases using BPL.
  2. Conditionally add one to result.
  3. Shift input and result left.
  4. Repeat until all 8 bits have been processed.

Add with carry

Wide add, pointer math, etc

  1. Move first argument to result.
  2. Add second argument to result.
  3. Add carry-in to result.
  4. Test argument high-bits and result high-bit.
  5. Conditionally set carry-out to zero or one.

Self-modifying code

Peek, Poke, Computed Jump, etc.

  1. Calculate pointer address using pointer math.
  2. Apply calculated pointer to memory containing arguments of next operation.
  3. Perform next operation, for example a move or a jump.

Switch statements

Create a branching binary search tree using SUB and BPL

Memory copy

  1. Pointer math
  2. Peek and Poke


  1. Pointer math
  2. Memory Copy

Function Calls

  1. Stacks
  2. Memory Copy
  3. Computed Jumps

Creating an OS is a lot of work

Can we re-use an existing OS and development environment?

Porting an OS is also a lot of work

  • Create or port a C compiler
  • Port architecture specific code

Turing equivalence to the rescue

Emulating an existing architecture on top of our own.

Running an existing OS inside this emulator.



Emulating MOS 6502

Has hardware features our architecture does not have.

No problem, we’ll just emulate those.

  • Registers ➔ Memory
  • Flags ➔ Memory
  • Call stack ➔ Synthesized stack
  • Many addressing modes ➔ Pointer Math

The need to interact

Without a way to interact with the world, the output from all our programs, including our MOS 6502 emulator will be predetermined.

Our ISA can already write data to output. Now we need it read data from input.

Input Byte (IN)

Read byte from standard input.

Opcode Mnemonic Description
04 dstptr IN Input Byte

Read byte from input, then write that byte value to dstptr.

    class Machine
        # ...
        def inputbyte(self):
            dstptr = self.fetch_pointer()
            self.mem[dstptr] =[0]

        def run(self):
            ops = {
                0: self.halt,
                1: self.outputbyte,
                2: self.branchifplus,
                3: self.subtract,
                4: self.inputbyte
            # ...

C hints:

Node.js hints:
Posix: fs.openSync('/dev/stdin', 'rs'), Windows: process.stdin.fd, fs.readSync(fd, buf, 0, 1, null)

C# hints:
System.Console.OpenStandardInput(), s.ReadByte()


Running example binary

$ vm 4-mos6502.rwa2
Reset vector: 0xFFFC

    **** commodore 64 basic v2 ****

 64k ram system  38911 basic bytes free

print sqr(42)

10 print "hello"


6502 Instruction Phases

  1. Addressing: Instruction decoding and calculating effective address
  2. Read: Where to read value and argument from
  3. ALU Operation: What calculation to perform
  4. Write: Where to store the result

Emulation loop

One switch expression for each phase

The RWa2 ISA

Opcode Mnemonic Description
00 HLT Halt
01 srcptr OUT Output Byte
02 jmpptr srcptr BPL Branch If Plus
03 dstptr srcptr SUB Subtract
04 dstptr IN Input Byte

Turing Equivalence Subset

Opcode Mnemonic Description
02 jmpptr srcptr BPL Branch If Plus
03 dstptr srcptr SUB Subtract

No input, no output. Halting is implicit.

One Instruction Set Computer (OSIC)

Esoteric. Not at all practical.

Example: SUBLEQ

Instruction Implementation
subleq a, b, c mem[b] -= mem[a]
if (mem[b] <= 0) pc = c

Negative PC implies halt.


Milestone #6

Executable image header and size optimization

Trailing zero bytes

$ od -tx1z -Ax rwa2/4-mos6502.rwa2 | tail
033ae0 10 e6 5b 5d 0d f6 e4 dc 1b b7 3a 3b 03 00 95 fa  >..[]......:;....<
033af0 02 00 00 60 ff ff 95 1a 03 00 00 20 ff ff 04 00  >...`....... ....<
033b00 ff ff ba 05 08 02 04 03 24 ec f7 0e 09 da 0b 0c  >........$.......<
033b10 f4 e9 df 18 33 e8 13 c1 b6 e7 f2 27 ea 46 de 70  >....3......'.F.p<
033b20 68 62 6a 69 64 6d 79 71 3f 23 2c 28 29 e1 eb c0  >hbjidmyq?#,()...<
033b30 80 00 01 00 00 f0 ed 6b 77 75 00 00 00 00 00 00  >.......kwu......<
033b40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  >................<
043b70 00 00                                            >..<
$ _

Used as working memory at runtime.

RW header and memory layout

Offset Size What
0 2 Magic ‘RW’
2 1 ISA revision (rev): rev + 97
3 1 Pointer size (ps): Log2(ps) + 48
4 ps End of file (eof) pointer, .BSS segment start
4+ps ps End of memory (eom) pointer, .BSS segment end
4+2×ps eof−(4+2×ps) .TEXT segment, executable code and data
eof eom−eof Zero initialized runtime memory (.BSS segment)

Header Magic Signature

DOS MZ executables are identified by ASCII characters ‘M’ and ‘Z’ at the start of the file

Mark Zbikowski was one of leading developers of MS-DOS

.BSS section

Named after Block Started by Symbol from the United Aircraft Symbolic Assembly Program and documented by MIT in 1957.

Describes a segment of memory initialized to zeros. Executable image only stores the length of the segment, not the zero bytes themselves.

Impact on executable size

Executable RWa2 RWb2 Delta
0-true 1 13 +12
1-hello 76 88 +12
1-test 245 257 +12
2-test 1760 1772 +12
3-fizz 922 927 +5
3-test 14065 14062 −3
4-mos6502 277365 211782 −65583

    def read_pointer(mem, offset):
        ptr = 0
        for i in range(4):
            ptr = ptr + (mem[offset] << (i * 8))
            offset = offset + 1
        return ptr

    class Machine:
        # ...
        def fetch_pointer(self):
            ptr = read_pointer(self.mem, self.pc)
            self.pc = self.pc + 4
            return ptr

    # ...
    assert memory[0:2] == b"RW"

    isa_revision = memory[2] - 97
    pointer_size = 1 << (memory[3] - 48)

    assert isa_revision == 1
    assert pointer_size == 4

    eof = read_pointer(memory, 4)
    eom = read_pointer(memory, 4 + pointer_size)
    fullmem = memory[0:eof] + bytearray(eom - eof)
    pc = 4 + 2 * pointer_size
    vm = Machine(fullmem, pc)

C hints:
realloc(ptr, size), memset(ptr, 0, size)

Node.js hints:
require('assert'), buf.slice(offs, size), Buffer.concat([bufs], size)


Run executables directly from Linux host


$ ./vm-rwb2 rwb2/1-hello.rwb2
Hello World!
$ rwb2/1-hello.rwb2
-bash: rwb2/1-hello.rwb2: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
$ _
$ reg=":RWb2:M::RWb2::$(realpath vm-rwb2):"
$ sudo sh -c "echo $reg > /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/register"
$ _
$ rwb2/1-hello.rwb2
Hello World!
$ _


Milestone #7

Optimizing ISA for performance


672678384   Subtract
    286188345   [SetZero]/Subtract
    154388235   Negate/Subtract
    148111208   Add/Subtract
    72379445    [SubtractConstant]/Subtract
    8213954     PeekSelfModifySubtract/Subtract
    1724479     IfEqual/Subtract
    809420      PokeSelfModify/Subtract
    667618      CarrySubtract/Subtract
    134598      .../Subtract
    61046       JumpIfZeroOrLess/Subtract
    36          JumpIfEqual/Subtract

528603759   ReadByteAndAdvance
    45759844    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,4/CarryAdd/BranchIfPlus
    35540339    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,2/CarryAdd/BranchIfPlus
    26234056    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,2/CarryAdd/Add/Negate/[SetZero]/Subtract
    26234056    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,2/CarryAdd/Add/Negate/Subtract
    26234056    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,2/CarryAdd/Add/Subtract
    24408880    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,4/CarryAdd/Add/Negate/[SetZero]/Subtract
    24408880    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,4/CarryAdd/Add/Negate/Subtract
    24408880    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,4/CarryAdd/Add/Subtract
    18101247    ReadByteAndAdvance/IncrementPointer/IncrementWide2/AddWideByteConstant2/AddWide2,1/CarryAdd/BranchIfPlus
    13117028    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/PeekSelfModifySubtract/InitializeDynamicPointer/Move/[SetZero]/Subtract
    13117028    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/PeekSelfModifySubtract/InitializeDynamicPointer/Move/Add/Negate/[SetZero]/Subtract
    13117028    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/PeekSelfModifySubtract/InitializeDynamicPointer/Move/Add/Negate/Subtract
    13117028    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/PeekSelfModifySubtract/InitializeDynamicPointer/Move/Add/Subtract
    13117028    ReadByteAndAdvance/IncrementPointer/IncrementWide2/AddWideByteConstant2/AddWide2,1/CarryAdd/Add/Negate/[SetZero]/Subtract
    13117028    ReadByteAndAdvance/IncrementPointer/IncrementWide2/AddWideByteConstant2/AddWide2,1/CarryAdd/Add/Negate/Subtract
    13117028    ReadByteAndAdvance/IncrementPointer/IncrementWide2/AddWideByteConstant2/AddWide2,1/CarryAdd/Add/Subtract
    12432947    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/JumpTableSearch/BranchIfPlus
    12204440    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/LoadAddress/Move/[SetZero]/Subtract
    12204440    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/LoadAddress/Move/Add/Negate/[SetZero]/Subtract
    12204440    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/LoadAddress/Move/Add/Negate/Subtract
    12204440    ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/LoadAddress/Move/Add/Subtract
    9153330     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/JumpTableSearch/[SubtractConstant]/Subtract
    9149927     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,4/CarryAdd/MoveConstant/[SetZero]/Subtract
    9149927     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/LoadAddressWithOffset/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,4/CarryAdd/MoveConstant/[SubtractConstant]/Subtract
    8157169     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/AddPointersSynth/AddWide4,2/CarryAdd/[SetZero]/Subtract
    6558514     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/CopyBytes2,2/Move/[SetZero]/Subtract
    6558514     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/CopyBytes2,2/Move/Add/Negate/[SetZero]/Subtract
    6558514     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/CopyBytes2,2/Move/Add/Negate/Subtract
    6558514     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/CopyBytes2,2/Move/Add/Subtract
    6558514     ReadByteAndAdvance/Read6502Memory/PeekSelfModifySubtract/[SetZero]/Subtract                        

Instruction Candidates

Mnemonic Description
ADC Add With Carry
MOV Move Byte
BEQ Branch If Zero
MOV dst, [src] Peek
ADD.P Add pointers
MOV.P Move pointer
MOV [dst], src Poke
JMP [src] Indirect Jump

Test instruction candidates

Create compiler backend that optionally build programs with more efficient instructions

Benchmarking Candidates

Add With Carry (ADC) + ...

Move Byte (MOV) + ...


  • We’ve picked the three instructions ADC, MOV and ADD.P.
  • We’re seeing diminishing returns.
  • We’re now up to eight instructions, which is a nice round number.
  • ADC and ADD.P overlap in functionality.
  • We can’t be sure we’ve picked the best three instructions.

Finding the best combination of instructions

Counting cycles for each combination

$ sort -n -t, stats.txt | head -10
$ _

Move Byte (MOV)

Copy byte value from another byte

Opcode Mnemonic Description
05 dstptr srcptr MOV Move Byte

Read byte value from srcptr, then write the value to dstptr.

Branch If Zero (BEQ)

Jump if a byte is zero

Opcode Mnemonic Description
06 jmpptr srcptr BEQ Branch If Zero

Read byte from address srcptr, if it is zero set PC to jmpptr address.

Add Pointers (ADD.P)

Copy byte value from another byte

Opcode Mnemonic Description
07 dstptr srcptr ADD.P Add Pointers

Read pointer value from dstptr, add pointer value from srcptr, then write the pointer value to dstptr.


Opcode Mnemonic Description
00 HLT Halt
01 srcptr OUT Output Byte
02 jmpptr srcptr BPL Branch If Plus
03 dstptr srcptr SUB Subtract
04 dstptr IN Input Byte
05 dstptr srcptr MOV Move Byte
06 jmpptr srcptr BEQ Branch If Zero
07 dstptr srcptr ADD.P Add Pointers

Impact on executable size

Executable RWa2 RWb2 RWc2 Delta
0-true 1 13 13 0
1-hello 76 88 88 0
1-test 245 257 257 0
2-test 1760 1772 1772 0
3-fizz 922 927 657 −270
3-test 14065 14062 10272 −3790
4-mos6502 277365 211782 80872 −130910

Impact on performance

Now what?

We have an embryonic ISA and VM.

What else can we do?

Modern ISA Design

  • Registers
  • Stack instructions
  • More addressing modes
  • Function call and return
  • Interrupts
  • Memory Management Unit (MMU)
  • Privileged Modes
  • Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)
  • (Flags and speculation)

Device I/O

  • Timer
  • Display
  • Keyboard
  • Storage

User space VM

  • Concurrency
  • Syscalls
  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Filesystem
  • Networking
  • Async I/O

System Emulation

  • Virtualization of modern systems
  • Vintage computing virtualization

Hardware implementation

  • Hardware Description Languag (HDL)
  • Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
  • Application-specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)
  • Pipelining
  • Microcode

Special purpose ISAs

  • GPU Intermediate Representation
  • Soft CPUs
  • One Instruction Set Computer (OSIC)

Full OS

  • Kernel and device drivers
  • Port Linux Kernel
  • Build Linux user space tool chain


  • Bootstrap environment
  • Emulate itself — VM in VM already done
  • Build itself — Need compiler

We’re Hiring